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Friday, January 14, 2022

Qatar's agriculture is limited to the months of October through April

 Qatar is a small peninsula located in the Arabian Gulf and has one of the highest per capita GDPs globally. The country's total gross domestic product ranked 45th out 50 nations last year at purchasing power parity while its urban population exceeded 99%. 

With such high living standards, it’s no surprise that nearly all Qataris live within cities where they rely heavily on food imports for sustenance--especially vegetables which make up almost half (48%) according to recent figures from UN FAO!--but this may be changing soon enough thanks to some major progress made since mid 2017 when output increased by 20%. By 2020 we can expect another rise.

Qatar's agriculture is limited to the months of October through April. Even though there are some summer crops that can be grown, like melons and okra for instance (although not eggplants), they don't utilize all potential arable land in this country . 91% percent or so renewable freshwater goes towards feeding our animals. Farming practices rely heavily on irrigation which requires immense amounts when you consider how much water flows down from mountains every single year - but it just isn’t enough!

The agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector made an important contribution to the economy with a growth rate higher than 110%. The produce from these sectors accounted for over half of all production in tonnages and values. Qatar's major exports include fruits like watermelons which are grown on extensive cultivated landmasses but also other crops such as rice or barley that require more intensive technical expertise due their low yield potential without modern farming methods; however there isn't any yet so they rely heavily upon importation.

The latest agriculture and food news from Qatar. Our service provides additional data on stock prices of 500 agricultural products, as well free classifieds for all typesAgriculture in our country! Download the app to stay up-to date with current worldwide stocks or just Qatar's own offerings - we have everything you need right here at your fingertips.

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