There are two types of lotus, one found in Asia and the other across North America. The showy flowers can be blue or purple depending on their coloration patterning with white petals that form a tube-like shape at bud stage before opening out into beautifuludonate blossom soon after transformation completion when they bloom; these plants also have large size relative to other species within its genus - making them easy targets for cultivation!
Nelumbo is a genus of aquatic plants with large, showy flowers. Members are commonly called lotus or "lotuses" though this name applies to various other plant groups including the unrelated genus Lotus. There are only two known living species in Nelumbosar: natively found across Asia and North America (and also introduced around Madagascar) they can be found growing wild on river banks as well as being cultivated by people since ancient times for food purposes such floral emblems India & Vietnam alike!
The lotus is a beautiful flower with large, round leaves that can reach up to 50 cm in diameter. The flowers produced by this plant are usually white or rosy pink and have bright shades at the bottom part of each petal which turn into hard dark brown seeds when fully matured; it also depends on what time during day they open (in morning) then close again after sunset - providing you fertilize them annually! Like all water-based plants such as aquatics too must be kept moist but do not allow them stay underwater forever because eventually roots will rot from wetness alone if left unchecked..
The lotus plant is a beautiful native aquatic flower from Asia. It has fragrant colorful flowers and broad leaves that float on top of water, making it easy for fish to snack upon! The stems also contain lots if air spaces thanks so they can stay afloat too- not just at surface level like other plants would do when grown underwater but deep down where there's dirt beneath your feet (or knees). Additionally this beauty floats because each petal overlap one another symmetrically; creating an elegant detail unlike any other blooming creature around here...
The roots are made up largely through rhizomes--which means they creep horizontally in loose soils/ground below rather than growing vertically upwards toward sunlight as most vegetation does.
The lotus plant is cultivated not only for its ornamental purposes but also has several medicinal uses. One of these, the seeds are classified as astringent and have a good influence on kidney health; they can be used to treat impotency or leukorrhea in males while females may use it along with other herbs like coriander leaf tea when experiencing menstruation cramps due their Apply external heat through hot water bottles filled upwith these leaves helped reduce pain levels significantly within just minutes after applying them topressures caused by endocannabinoid deficiency.
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