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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Quince, a small fruit-bearing tree in the Rose family

 Quince is the sole member of its own genus, Cydonia. It's an apple-like fruit that grows on trees in family Rosaceae (which also includes pears). The raw quincing material can be eaten by humans when it matures but they're more often used for making delicious desserts like applesauce or pork tamales! Quinces were originally native to Persia before being naturalized throughout North America where you'll find them thriving at latitudes just as far north.

Niskotłuszczowa dieta a starsze osoby

W ostatnich latach coraz więcej uwagi poświęca się wpływowi diety na zdrowie i samopoczucie, szczególnie w kontekście osób starszych. Jednym...