Asparagus is a plant that grows in the spring and can be used as an ingredient for cooking. It has been cultivated since ancient times, but it wasn't until recently when genetic testing revealed its true identity-a distant relative of onions, leeks (Allium genus), garlic!
Asparagine was once classified within the Lily family like other related plants such as lilies or Alliums; however recent research places them together with Amaryllidaceae into their own order called "Asparagales." This means there are three separate yet distinct families now: Liliaceae which includes oranges and bananas while also including both flowering plants known scientifically under botanical names Narcissus specios.
Some people think that asparagus is a type of woody plant, but it's actually an herbaceous perennial with feathery leaves and tall stems. The "leaves" are in fact needle-like cladodes (modified stalks) which grow outwards from the axils where they're attached to scale tips; these modified branches can reach up into rose shapes ranging anywhere between 6–32 mm long by 1mm thick!
Asparagus is a vegetable that has been used for its distinct flavor, and in medicine due to its diuretic properties. It's pictured on Egyptian friezes dating back as early at 3000 BC where it was found being offered by farmers who harvested this unique plant then dried them out into thin sheets called "sparagmos" which were wrapped around hot rocks before consumption during winter months when fresh produce wasn't available or affordable anymore because of all the hardships occurring at once such like economic depression alongside natural disasters happening throughout Europe (such tornadoes).
The top asparagus importers (2016) were the United States with a market share of 34%, followed by Germany at 24%. Canada had 19% and China produced 7%. Out-of-China production is primarily concentrated in Peru for white asparagus which accounted for 382 thousand metric tons or 18% total export volume from that country over 2017's 8 months. As winter approaches, tunnel growers take advantage of longer daylight hours while maximizing nutrient uptake when they're most needed during this season to produce earlier than normal crops before frosts arrive too late - althoUGH universally damaging even if only mild.
The UK asparagus harvest season can begin as early as mid-February and continue into late autumn by growing cold-resistant cultivars under heated polytunnels. Furthermore, late seasons are achievable using 'reverse' or reverse growth where spears will be left fern between March to August with a final pick in September/October for those who want their favorite green vegetables all year round! In Asia an alternative approach has been employed where three - five stalk per plant develop into mature fronds while surrounding them at least one meter away so they do not crowd each other out too much (the mother stalk).
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