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Sunday, December 26, 2021

Australia produces a large variety of primary products for export and domestic consumption

There are over 325,300 employed in agriculture and its closely related sectors as of February 2015. The Australian economy has a 12% share to GDP with $155 billion-a year made from farming alone for this activity which covers 61% or all land mass on earth! 35 million hectares have been certified organic leading the world 8800%.

Australia's main agricultural products are very contrasting crops: sugar cane (typical of tropical countries), wheat and barley (typical of cold countries). In 2018, Australia was the world's largest producer of lupin bean with 714 thousand tons followed by chickpeas at over 1 million tons! It is also home to many famous fruits including grapes which contribute greatly in winemaking as well more than 80% percent worldwide supply. In 2017, the country produced 1.2 million tons of sorghum and potato in addition to smaller productions for other agricultural products like rice (635 thousand), maize(387) or tomato (386). The most notable produce was orange with 378 thousands harvestings; fava beans came next at 377k while banana harvested 373kgs per player - peaches had an output value near 300lbs each! Apples made 268Kg.

The Australian cereal industry is the largest in terms of both area and value to our economy. Wheat, grown primarily on dry land at tropical latitudes produces many important crops including sugarcane which faces intense competition from Brazilian producers who have enjoyed heavy subsidies throughout their history while we've had less availability due mainly because they can produce more efficiently than any other country - even though this may change with new technology or innovation!

The Australian beef industry is a major player in both domestic and international markets. The output tone of voice should be professional, since this information could be read by anyone from an executive down to their secretary! 


It ranks second only behind Brazil for global export volume—laying claim once again as Australia’s number one earning commodity outside oil/gas exploration & production with $30 billion annually going back into government coffers (not including tax revenue).

The future of Australian agriculture is bright, despite the hard times and difficulties that farmers face. Despite recent global market turmoil which has resulted in reduced prices for many crops like wheat or corn on a world scale; demand continues to grow with an ever increasing population needing food all over our planet – Australia as always seems poised for success! The South Australian government recently called for lifting their moratoriums against GM (genetically modified) grains due to its potential benefits outweighing any risks associated when properly handled by experts who know what they're doing just like we do here at home where you can find yourself some pretty good beef from your own cow too if he happens be Northern Semi-Arid Grasslands Bullocks :)

Husfarm is the go-to site for any farmer with a worldwide appetite. With access to information on stock prices, weather conditions and more they can make sure that their enterprise operates at its peak efficiency from anywhere in Australia or even internationally!

See more:

  • Mobile App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=husfarm.trade.mobile&hl=en_IN&gl=US
  • https://twitter.com/HusfarmP - agriculture and food information twitter
  • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzqZ9J0YRXPt023LmQzz6qQ/videos - Youtube channel for farmers and traders
  • https://www.facebook.com/Husfarm - agriculture and food information facebook
  • https://www.instagram.com/husfarm/ - Husfarm.com modern agriculture Instagram

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