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Saturday, December 25, 2021

The pineapple - Ananas comosus

The wild plant originates from the Paraná-Paraguay River drainages between southern Brazil and Paraguay. Little is known about how it was domesticated but there's evidence that suggests people were cultivating this fruit as far back at 1200 BC in Peru, 200BC - AD700 (2200 to 1300 BP) when Native Americans cultivated them for their diet by Mayans & Aztecs who used it among other things such like sweets made out of various fruits or vegetables.

Columbus even mentioned seeing "platanus" trees while exploring these parts during his voyage which might have been what really led him on course straight into believing they existed some sort of pineapple tree after returning home...

Pineapples are a delicious fruit that can be found all over the world. Pineapple plants grow as an herbaceous perennial, typically growing to 1 meter tall with tough leaves and producing up to 200 flowers in just one year! It usually takes between 3-5 years for these gorgeous plants to produce their first fruits - which is when you'll want them because they're so tasty (and pretty!).

Pineapples are grown commercially for their thick juicy fruit that has a sweet taste. Side shoots (or suckers) will appear in the leaf axils of an adult plant, and these can be removed from time-to acidulated with tissue culture to produce more offspring on your original planting location without sacrificing any strength or vigour. The leaves may alsoif left untouched become thicker than hairs offinitial years' growth at first , but when exposed over long periods they turn yellow before dying away completely; this characteristic allow us know whether.

Pineapples are the most delicious of all fruits and vegetables. In 2019, world production was 28 million tonnes! The largest producers were Costa Rica with 5% (1 million metric tons), followed by Indonesia at 4%, Brazil 3%. Commercial farming can be induced to flower early which will encourage development from a second crop if main fruit is harvested earlier than usual; once separated during cleaning process these top sections become planters in soil - where new plants grow outwards towards light like roots around an underground stem or trunk.

Pineapples come from the Bromeliad family, which is mostly found in tropical areas. They have a short stem with prickly leaves and red-purple flowers; their characteristic fruit are berry shoots on top called "crowns." The largest specimen can weigh up to 5kg! Just 100 grams of sweet yellow flesh contains enough vitamin C or magnesium for an entire day's worth--which makes it one rich food option among many others out there.

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