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Friday, December 31, 2021

The Arum flowers are hidden from sight

 Arum is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to Europe and Asia. They can be found on dry lands throughout their range but have highest diversity around Mediterranean regions where they often grow at higher elevations or near coastal areas with significant rainfall (between 700-1000 millimeters annually). The members within this taxon share many common traits like having long sagittate leaves up tp 55 centimeters long; however each one also displays varying degrees from orange petals covered by hairs that give them an appearance similar looking as true lilies.

The Arum flowers are hidden from sight, but they're not hard to find. The poker-shaped inflorescence called a spadix is partially enclosed in an escalloped hood of varying color that serves as protection for the petals and stamen inside--which contain pollen grains ready made so males can carry them away on their travels until someone meets up with other plants where fertilization takes place!

Arum is a type of flower that occurs in many different types and species all over the world. It's characterized by its arrow-shaped leaves, which can be up to 55 cm long! The plant grows 60cm tall with shiny green leaves decorated along their edges where there are color variations such as white or brown dispensaries on top near purple petals below it . These colorful flowers create spectacular bouquets when they bloom - you're guaranteed an amazing sight no matter where your location might lie within this vast assortment called "Arums."

Italy is the world's largest producer of wine

 The Italian countryside is a fascinating place to explore for its architecture and history. Italy has some of the oldest buildings in Europe, from Stone Age settlements on Mount diploma all throughout Puglia region up into northern Lombardy county where you will find medieval walled townships that were once defended by tower houses centuries ago during invasions from neighboring countries like France or Germany! 

Thursday, December 30, 2021

The beetroot is the taproot portion of a plant, usually known in North America as beets

Beetroot is a biennial plant that belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family. It forms rosettes of leaves, typically oval and smooth with winding margins during it's first year as an elongate tuberous root containing concentric layers for sugar content like radishes do in addition to being yellow-green flowers produced by groups ranging from 2-6 on average near nodes at base where petals meet stamen bases (resembling dandelion heads).

Agriculture is a pillar of the economy in Cameroon

 The people of Cameroon are mainly farmers who use simple tools to grow their food. They sell the surplus produce, and some maintain separate fields for commercial uses such as cocoa or coffee production in addition hunting animals that they may eat because there isn't enough land available where these crops can be grown on an intensive scale like what occurs along coastal areas with better soil quality than inland regions do which encourage extensive cultivation techniques including planting bananas trees next door all day long!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Onions are an excellent crop for farmers

 The onion plant has a fan of hollow, bluish-green leaves and its bulbs at the base of each stem begin to swell when daylengths are equal. The fleshy modified scale envelopes central buds that grow from the tips in an almost cone shaped manner so as not have too many pointed tops for any animal predator or scavenger like birds who would prefer fewer surfaces on which they can land during their hunt while still being able see through enough gaps between one leaf's overlapping edges after another.

Canada has a long history as an agricultural producer and exporter.

 Agriculture is practised in different ways across Canada, from the wheat fields of Saskatchewan to summer produce like tomatoes grown near British Columbia's Okanagan Valley. A wide range crops can be found throughout this vast country but there two key players when it comes downing delicious fresh fruit or vegetables - California produces citrus fruits while Quebec specializes in dairy products such ice-cold glasses full of creamy goodness!

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Cauliflower cool-season plant

Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea that includes broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale. Cauliflowers are grown as annual plants which reproduce by seed but only contain edible white flesh sometimes called 'curd'.

Brazil - country rich in agriculture

 Brazil is a country rich in agriculture. The success of this industry can be attributed to the historic investments made by Getúlio Vargas during his reign as president, which led not only to economic growth but also resulted in "Brazil becoming breadbasket for much of Europe and Asia." In addition there are over 106 million ha (260 million acres) available land with high fertility rates- approximately double what France or Spain have combined!

Monday, December 27, 2021

The newest agriculture and food information from Argentina

 Argentina's agricultural sector has always been a crucial part of the country’s economic landscape. It accounted for nearly 20% GDP in 1900, but now only accounts for 10-15%. The reason? Argentina relies heavily on imports to meet its needs; however these goods are expensive due largely discourage production by banks who fear lost income should their land return back into use . 

Asparagus global market and main information

 Asparagus is a plant that grows in the spring and can be used as an ingredient for cooking. It has been cultivated since ancient times, but it wasn't until recently when genetic testing revealed its true identity-a distant relative of onions, leeks (Allium genus), garlic! 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Australia produces a large variety of primary products for export and domestic consumption

There are over 325,300 employed in agriculture and its closely related sectors as of February 2015. The Australian economy has a 12% share to GDP with $155 billion-a year made from farming alone for this activity which covers 61% or all land mass on earth! 35 million hectares have been certified organic leading the world 8800%.

Beans are a heliotropic plant - great for farmers

The common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris is an herbaceous annual plant that belongs to the family Fabaceae. It can be grown as either a pulse or green vegetable depending on variety and growing conditions; it typically has vine-like stems with oval leaves divided into smooth edges which are generally dark green in color but some varieties have purple colored petals at flowerheads forming pleasing displays during summer months when grown outdoors under breezy skies.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

The pineapple - Ananas comosus

The wild plant originates from the Paraná-Paraguay River drainages between southern Brazil and Paraguay. Little is known about how it was domesticated but there's evidence that suggests people were cultivating this fruit as far back at 1200 BC in Peru, 200BC - AD700 (2200 to 1300 BP) when Native Americans cultivated them for their diet by Mayans & Aztecs who used it among other things such like sweets made out of various fruits or vegetables.

Agriculture in Austria - information

 Despite being a small percentage of Austria's workforce and accounting for only tiny pieces of its GDP, the Chamber of Agriculture maintains an important position in society.

Friday, December 24, 2021

How to pick the best peaches and nectarines for your country?

 The peach is a deciduous tree native to Northwest China between the Tarim Basin and Kunlun Mountains where it was first domesticated. The skin of these juicy fruits are covered in fuzz while their nectarines lack this trait; they're both fascinating fruit with many different characteristics that make them worth exploring!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Meet Eggplants - incredible vegetables

 In tropical and subtropical climates, eggplants can be sown in the garden. They prefer hot weather but do well when grown under cold or low humidity conditions as well - so long as there is no frost expected before they're transplanted into their final locations! In colder regions you'll want to start seeds eight weeks prior with an anticipated date of freeze-freeze.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Broccoli interested facts

Broccoli is an edible green plant in the cabbage family, Brassicaceae. It has an extensive head of dark-green flowers with large flower heads and a stalk that can either be light or dark green depending on what variety you're eating! Broccolis close relatives include cauliflower - another type of cultivar group within this species' Italica subspecies (cultivars).

Cabbage consumption around the world

 Cabbage is a leafy green, red (purple), or white biennial plant that can be grown as an annual vegetable crop for its dense-leaved heads. Cabbages descend from wild ancestors and belong to the "cole crops" brassicas which also include broccoli & cauliflower; Brussels sprouts Gemmifera variety ; Savoy cabbage Sabauda type .

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Blueberries - interesting fruit

 You may be surprised to learn that there are two different types of blueberries. Low-level bushes produce small, pea sized berries and can grow up 10centimeters (4 inches) high or less; these "low bush" varieties come from Canada's provinces like Nova Scotia where they're grown on sandy soil near maritime climates with cool summers tend corresponding cold winters . Highbush plants sport larger berry sizes than those found in association with this species--they're higher growth rate too! 

Monday, December 20, 2021

Avocado - main information

 Avocado plants need a climate without frost and little wind to flourish. When even mild frosts occur, premature fruit drop can be expected due the 'Hass' cultivar's tolerance for low temperatures down at least 6 degrees Fahrenheit (3 Celsius). 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Artichoke - Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus, global market

Artichokes are a type of thistle that can be cultivated for food. They come in many varieties, but all have an inflorescence made up mostly out buds before flowers open and turn into coarse-leaves once fully bloomed due to their form not being desirable enough when harvested young like some other plants which may also resemble this vegetable such as cardoons from Europe's Mediterranean region mistaken by most people who see them both side byside at first glance since they share similar appearance except one has edible parts while another does not.

Alstroemeria a lovely flower!

 A lovely flower, Alstroemeria is found in over 40 countries and has been grown for centuries to adorn gardens. In addition to looking good on your lawn or as an arrangement; this daisy can also be harvested by farmers who need a quick fix of income before harvest season begins!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Breadfruit global prices 2021/2022

Lates stock information and prices - Breadfruit

Breadfruit is the common name for a tree belonging to the mulberry family and its fruits, which are widely consumed in Polynesia. 

Carrots prices information on the global market

The carrot is a native species that can be found in Europe, but also Asia and North Africa. It was known by ancient peoples who cultivated it as an edible variety introduced from the Middle Ages onward.

Niskotłuszczowa dieta a starsze osoby

W ostatnich latach coraz więcej uwagi poświęca się wpływowi diety na zdrowie i samopoczucie, szczególnie w kontekście osób starszych. Jednym...