Arum is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to Europe and Asia. They can be found on dry lands throughout their range but have highest diversity around Mediterranean regions where they often grow at higher elevations or near coastal areas with significant rainfall (between 700-1000 millimeters annually). The members within this taxon share many common traits like having long sagittate leaves up tp 55 centimeters long; however each one also displays varying degrees from orange petals covered by hairs that give them an appearance similar looking as true lilies.
The Arum flowers are hidden from sight, but they're not hard to find. The poker-shaped inflorescence called a spadix is partially enclosed in an escalloped hood of varying color that serves as protection for the petals and stamen inside--which contain pollen grains ready made so males can carry them away on their travels until someone meets up with other plants where fertilization takes place!
Arum is a type of flower that occurs in many different types and species all over the world. It's characterized by its arrow-shaped leaves, which can be up to 55 cm long! The plant grows 60cm tall with shiny green leaves decorated along their edges where there are color variations such as white or brown dispensaries on top near purple petals below it . These colorful flowers create spectacular bouquets when they bloom - you're guaranteed an amazing sight no matter where your location might lie within this vast assortment called "Arums."